
A buncha resources for website making and other stuff!
Highlighted text are things that I used for the website


A bunch of things that I read that helped me make this website


Stuff to help with coding, I used most of the tools here

  • Sublime Text, my main code editor - link
  • Eleventy, the SSG that I'm using right now! - link
  • Ringfairy, a static site generator but for webrings - link
  • 11ty -> Lexiqqq Workflow, cuts out a ton of annoying work - link
  • Goblin Heart layout builder, the base code for the website - link
  • CSSgradient, what I used to make all of the gradients here - link
  • Petrapixel's layout builder, actively maintained unlike the one above - link
  • Onionring.js, a script and widget combo that manages and makes webrings - link


Colors, ASCII as well as some other stuff

  • Ezgif, not just gifs! It can be other stuff as well - link
  • Ascii archive, categorized by the ASCII's theme - link
  • Squoosh, used to compress or convert image files - link
  • Dithermark, for the dithering on some of the images - link
  • Button Maker, idk what else to tell you, it's a button maker - link
  • Phosphoricons, the icon pack you're seeing all over the place - link
  • Patternico, background maker, I used this a few times in the past - link


Stuff you can put on your website

  • Chattable, have a chatbox - link
  • Bloggable, iframe blogging tool - link
  • BaguetteBox, the lightbox gallery I use- link
  • Incremental Button, make number go up - link
  • HTML Journal, blogging tool for your website - link
  • Ayano's Comment Widget, used on the guestbook - link


I haven't used most of these myself, but I've heard some good things. Maybe in the future I'll add a pros and cons list for these things