Archived Story Snippets 2

Author's Note: Part 2 of this

Warning for body horror, death (again)

Literally what was I doing during quarantine, good god

Journal - 12 April, 2021

Day One

I have decided to keep notes on the man in the woods, he seems interesting. My parents keep on telling me that he does not exist and that I should just live with them instead, but they don’t understand. The best way to describe him is in two words, thin and pale. He seems so thin that I almost pity him, I might leave food outside for him. Day Two

I woke up today with a deer carcass on the front porch. I had to bury it. The stench is still on my clothes. I caught a glimpse of him in the tree line, he seems to be 5'6 I think that he put it there as a way to thank me for the food

Day Three

It is raining today, and the man is standing outside my door, I locked it earlier today, I saw that he has no genitalia and that his head is in the shape of an egg that has been cracked

Day Four

He is still there, and he has been talking for a while. The thing is, I am in my room and there is no windows, it also has a lot of soundproofing So how he is able to do this I have no idea, I am scared. I also do not understand what he is saying.

Day Five

He is still here, I am out of my room now. He has blood on him. There is deer surrounding the house.

Day Six

The deer have my parents heads on them

Destruction - 25 October, 2022

Frog was beautiful but Scorpion wasn’t

Frog’s markings were a sight to behold

Scorpion loved frog, but they also wanted to destroy frog from the inside out with their venom

Frog didn’t know this, frog thought that they were friends.

Scorpion went to the frog’s pond

The Scorpion was finally going to skin the frog

Tail to skin, he slowly punctured the malleable flesh that would soon belong to them

It was done and the frog had no skin left

The scorpion was beautiful but frog wasn’t

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